Matthew, Mark, Luke & John: Session 16

            Quotes attributed to poets, philosophers, presidents and kings can usually be found first in Scripture. The famous quote of Abraham Lincoln from his "House Divided Speech" was actually quoted first by Jesus Himself. Jesus had just been seen expelling a demon from a mute-demoniac. Rather than attribute this work as an act of God, the religious leaders accused Jesus of working for Beelzebub: The Prince Of Demons. In response to this absurd accusation, Jesus said, "How can Satan cast out Satan? Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation. Every city or house divided against itself cannot stand. Therefore, if Satan also be divided against himself, how shall his kingdom stand because you say that I cast out demons by the power of Beelzebub?"

50 Minutes
April 9, 2010

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I. A Pharisee Invites Jesus To Dinner Where A Notorious Woman Anoints His Feet.
A. Luke 7:36-50

II. Introducing Mary Magdalene.
A. Luke 8:1-3

III. Jesus Heals A Blind And Dumb Demoniac.
A. Matthew 12:22-23
B. Luke 11:14

IV. The Pharisees Accuse Jesus Of Working For Beelzebub: The Prince Of Demons.
A. Matthew 12:24
B. Luke 11:15

V. Others Demand A Sign From Heaven.
A. Luke 11:16

VI. Jesus' Family (Including His Mother) Believe He's Gone Mad.
A. Mark 3:20-22

VII. "A Kingdom Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand."
A. Matthew 12:25-26
B. Mark 3:23-26
C. Luke 11:17-18

VIII. "By Whose Help Do Your Sons Cast Them Out?"
A. Matthew 12:27-28
B. Luke 11:19-20

IX. The Parable Of The Strong Man & An Education In Demonic Possession.
A. Matthew 12:29
B. Mark 3:27
C. Luke 11:21-22

X. The Only Man Who Can Say With Authority, "He Who Isn't With Me Is Against Me."
A. Matthew 12:30
B. Luke 11:23