The UFO Mystery & Alien Abduction Phenomenon
In the following podcast, we'll carefully (and honestly) examine the UFO phenomenon and the alien abduction phenomenon from a historical and scientific perspective. Then we'll dive into the Bible for some answers. We'll cover all sides of the debate concerning the possibility of alien humanoid life in outer space and then we'll examine the "sons of God" of Genesis Chapter 6 and compare them to today's aliens. Then we'll examine the Biblical prophecies of the coming world leader and compare them to the current prophecies of today's UFO cults.
October 11, 2008
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ALIEN ENCOUNTERS By Dr. Chuck Missler & Dr. Mark Eastman
I. The Debate Concerning The Possibility Of Alien Humanoid Life In Outer Space. II. Examining Both Modern & Historical UFO & Alien Abduction Phenomenon. III. Jesus Compared The Days Prior To His Return To The Days Of Noah. A. Luke 21:25-26 IV. About The Days Of Noah & The Nephilim. A. Genesis 6:1-9 V. The Physics And Capabilities Of Angels. A. Matthew 24:24 VI. Comparing The Foretold Doctrine Of The Antichrist To The Doctrine Of Today's "Alien Messages". A. 2nd Thessalonians 2:9 ARE FROM THE PRE-2012 CLASSIC EDITION. |